Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sex Donuts and Rock & Roll

Hey Everyone, just putting a call out for submissions to my new zine

If you love music, but think music zines are boring, this is the zine
to change your mind!

'Sex. Donuts & Rock n Roll' is a per style zine for music fanatics.

It’s a music zine that’s interested in all aspects, styles, genres and
eras of music. It does not set out to document any one or current
scene, and embraces writing about music in a personal way where the
writer is part of the story and not merely a reporter of it. In zine
terms you might call it a “perzine for music fanatics”.

The debut issue will feature an interview with Kiddie Punk Records and
a host of other articles, features, reviews and music related goodies.
If you love music and love to write, I hope you’ll consider making a
contribution to this zine. Contributors will receive a free copy and a
warm fuzzy feeling from being part of something cool.

What to Submit?

Underrated bands
Life changing records
Stories from back in the day
Guilty pleasures (bands you secretly like but don’t tell anyone
Scene politics
Collector guides
Issues (myspace, venue closures, digital downloads, music industry,

If your piece or idea is music related in any way shape or form it’s
relevant to this zine.
If you're interested in being involved, please contact me at
dgirlmedia AT gmail DOT com. Thanks!


sharetipsinfo said...
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sharetipsinfo said...
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