Tuesday, March 31, 2009

City Library Street Press workshop with Geoff Lemon 8th April

From the Man himself....

"As a writer myself, I can tell them about writing techniques and tricks, or I can focus on how to manage yourself professionally as a writer - that is, how to get you work out there, how to approach publishers and publication opportunities, and so on. I've published poetry, short stories, and articles, so I've encountered a range of different types of publication. And I brought my first book out last year, so that could also be a useful discussion.

I can also tell them about publishing from the other side of the fence, given that I have several years of experience working as a magazine editor and particularly as a poetry editor. This could cover both the mechanics of how to approach editing someone else's work, and the broader stuff of how to manage a publication financially and administratively - so, distribution, advertising, marketing, sales, grants, etc.

Then as a performer I've done a lot of work, including some pretty big venues supporting bands and so on, and I've won various competitions. So I could give advice on how to write for performance, on how to approach performance, and how to prepare for competition. And I've worked for a couple of years as a gig convenor, so again, I could talk about the administrative, promotional, and organisational aspects of running performances."

Visit www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/libraries or call (03)96589500 for more details and to confirm a space.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Harvest News

Hello harvesters

Hope you've been happy and well these past few months. Yes, apologies for the lengthy lapse in correspondence but the harvest team took some time off over the festive season, and have been paying for it ever since. Work. Life. Balance.?

Even as the awfully acronymed GFC washes over us, we're getting ready for a brand spankin' new issue and our little team has been overwhelmed by both your support and contributions. Thanks for all your great pieces. It's fantastic to read and see your wonderful work.

We're now in the middle of assessing works for issue three and hope to have a new edition ready for you mid-2009.

harvest made the commitment to provide feedback to all those who submit - as long as it was in-line with our guidelines. We believe in providing more than a single line response...so this means, we do take a wee bit more time to get back to you than we'd really like. To those that submitted to issue two and haven't yet heard from us, we're sorry, but we're getting there.

Other bits
If you're in Australia, you may have seen the recent newspaper ads for publishing interns with the APA. If not, read on:
Applications are now open for the following Internship Positions in 2009:
Australian Book Review, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
Black Dog Books, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
Oxford University Press, Melbourne — Editorial Intern, Higher Education Division
Scribe Publications, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
The Text Publishing Company, Melbourne – Publicity / Marketing Intern
Walker Books, Sydney — Book Design Intern
For position descriptions, application deadline dates and application contact details for the six internship positions being offered in 2009 please download this Word document.
For detailed information about the program and FAQ please download this Word document .
Melbourne Writers Festival
Is just around the corner. And they are looking for The Great Australian Text Message (TGATM) or Gr8 Oz Txt Msg. Send them your best TGATM. To kick-start the creative juices, MWF borrowed the Great American Text Messages below from US author, Peter Hyman.

Mo B Dik
Call me.

Advtrs of HckFin
DQMONT but I thnk ant pol-e wnts 2 sivilize u.
Hd fer the Trtories. Tke the rft Jim dsnt wnt it 2day.

Catch 22
Stp the bmbng!
Ysarin says thr is a ctch of sme knd
p.s. wher is my 2baco, Milo ?

Dvl Wers Prda
F U Miranda!

Got the idea? Just think what you can do with My Brilliant Career. It certainly needs TGATM make-over. Or get creative with Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Trout Opera, The Slap, Johnno, The Secret River etc.
The rules
Rule 1 - No more than 100 characters (that includes spaces and punctuation).
Rule 2 - Entries have to be received by 5pm, April 30, 2009.
Rule 3 - Text messages can be sent to 0400 3878 77 or you can email your message to louise@mwf.com.au. Don't forget to include your name and phone number (it is no good if your phone number appears as a private number).
The best messages will get prizes - the real thing, some Great Australian Novels. The winners also will be posted on the MWF website and appear in their May e-bulletin. And they will appear on-site during the festival.

If you have any events you'd like listed, please email us with all the details.
For information on further events and opportunities, check out the competitive spirit and event pages (under cultivate) on our website.
If you'd like to be removed from this list, please email us with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. We won't harvest you again.

Writing oppurtunity

Hello one and all

So you've just finished writing your short story, you've either 1. filed it away with all your others never to see the light of day, 2. sent it off to NYWF for this years festival(wise) or if your lucky enough you have 3. Given it to your publisher who thinks you and your work is amazing and it gets published right away....

What are the other options you ask?

Well pay attention young squires. If there are any short fiction writers or comic artists who think their work could be adapted into a short film then it's time to get onto this bandwagon. A South Australian company The Cutting Room are looking for short fiction writers to adapt their work for film. The South Australian Short Film Corporation is looking for new work and will fund $50 00 dollars to get the films off the ground.

If you think this is something you might be interested in please email me a couple excerpts of some of your work including a short synopsis of each story you put forward.

I will then pass your details onto The Cutting Room

Please feel free to pass this onto anyone who might be keen.

Call if you have any questions


Amy Ingram

Co Director
National Young Writers Festival

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Outpost AV Collective relaunch

Greetings OUTPOST friends,
the relaunch of OUTPOST at our new awesome venue Bar Open is almost upon us and we're making it a cracker.
Get yourselves down to 317 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy on Wednesday March 25th from 8:30pm - entry is free and beverages are very reasonably priced. For this month's event, we are thrilled to have Jean Poole and Lewis CanCut performing a warm up set for their upcoming TV-inspired ACMI Synaesthesia show.

Jean Poole, aka Sean Healy, is concerned with real time audio visual performance. A founder of Newcastle’s Electrofringe Festival, Jean Poole is regular contributor to the event’s annual program and travels Australia (and Europe) performing at major events and festivals.

Providing the music to Jean Poole’s visuals is Lewis CanCut, aka Lewis Gittus, a young DJ hailing from regional Victoria with a love of vinyl. His current work examines elements of club culture such as appropriation and repetition, bound together by dense layers of stolen sound that threaten at any moment to self implode!
Stalwart of Melbourne downtempo sweetness, Thomas Campbell (aka. Soup from MISO) is also performing a solo slot which will be sure to satisfy like a good meal.

The jams are also absolutely on so be sure to come down and bring your devices for the a/v key party.
As always, new players/projectors are most welcome so tell your friends and.
Bring your gear and have no fear!
See you Wednesday the 25th.
the Outpost Collective
part of the share.global collective
an open A/V laptop jam and performance night
last wednesday of every month @ Bar Open
317 Brunswick Street

Victorian Premier's Literary Awards 2009 call for nominations

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2009
Call for Nominations

Writers and publishers are now invited to submit entries to the prestigious 2009 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards. A total of $195,000 will be awarded to established and emerging writers across eleven categories in one of Australia's richest and most diverse writing prizes.

The 2009 guidelines and nomination form is attached to this email.
NB: Adobe Reader is required to view and print this PDF document.

Prizes Offered
The Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction
The Nettie Palmer Prize for Non-fiction
The CJ Dennis Prize for Poetry
The Louis Esson Prize for Drama
The Prize for Young Adult Fiction
The Alfred Deakin Prize for an Essay Advancing Public Debate
The Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript by an Emerging Victorian Writer*
The Grollo Ruzzene Foundation Prize for Writing about Italians in Australia
The John Curtin Prize for Journalism
The Prize for Best Music Theatre Script
The Prize for Science Writing*
(for books published between 1 May 2007 and 30 April 2009)

With the exceptions noted (*), the Awards are open to all Australians with works first published or performed between 1 May 2008 and 30 April 2009.

The Awards shortlist will be announced on Friday 7 August 2009 with the winners to be announced at a celebratory dinner at Federation Square on Tuesday 1 September 2009.

The closing date for entries is Friday 1 May 2009.

The Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are administered by the State Library of Victoria.

Further information about the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards is available from

For any enquiries please contact (03) 8664 7277 or pla@slv.vic.gov.au

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

City Library Street Press workshop 25th March

City Library Street Press is back after a short Summer break with a new program of free workshops and a submissions call out for an exciting magazine project.

On the 25th March we have Al Cossar from The Portable Film Festival discussing their 'Film Festival in your pocket', taking video to the street and how video can be used to spread a message. Alongside Al is Jeremy Weinstein who will be discussing his 'Docummunity' project, an open source film project allowing documentary makers to call on and contribute to a pool of video clips.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This is not Art Festival cal for entries open


SYN Murial Competiiton



SYN is seeking young artists to submit their ideas to make our radio studios come to life!

Youth community media organisation SYN Media just turned 6 years old. We’re producing youth radio 24/7 as well as two TV programs and heaps of online content and, though we might not like to admit it, our physical spaces are looking a little rough around the edges.

It’s time for a facelift!

We’re opening the hefty task of livening up the SYN studios to our audience and members by asking them to design a mural for our radio studio wall.

Artists between the ages of 12 and 25 are encouraged to submit designs for the wall of SYN’s radio studios in Melbourne.

The competition is open from 9am February 15th to 6pm March 15th and designs will be shortlisted and then voted on by the people that count – SYN broadcasters.

All paints and supplies will be provided for the execution of the mural and the chosen designer will receive a $150 Obese Records gift voucher to spend on new paints or new tunes.

For competition regulations and the info about the dimensions of the studio wall, artists should email info@syn.org.au

For more information or promotional images, contact:

Emma Sharp
Assistant Manager
p: 03 9925 4778
e: info@syn.org.au

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Tape Projects Newsletter Thursday 05-03-2009

1.OOMONG- Zoe Scoglio and Lee Anantawat, Tape @ Frame
2.Call for expressions of interest in Next Wave Project 2010
3.Found Sound: The Experimental Instrument Project # 3
4.Jordana Maisie- The Real Thing, exhibition at TCB, opening Wed 11-03-2009

1. OOMONG- Zoe Scoglio and Lee Anantawat, Tape @ Frame, Opening tomorrow, Friday 06-03-09, Platform- Campbell Arcade, Degrave St Subway

Building Tunnels and Pondering Infinity
A collaborative experiment made in the dark recesses of Cambells Arcade
Exhibiting throughout the month of March.
Opening this Friday 6th of March, 6-8 pm

From January until July, Tape Projects are occupying Frame, a window in the Platform art space suited perfectly to the kind of noisy, flickery work we do. Set back from the main corridor of windows, in the dark, quiet nook next to the Degrave Street stairs, Frame is a platform on which to experiment with new ideas and showcase the work of a myriad of temporal artists from Melbourne and beyond.

2. Call for expressions of interest in Next Wave Project 2010

From Clare Rae:
“Along with Victoria Bennett, I'm currently organising a project for the 2010
Next Wave Festival, to take place in Melbourne in May, 2010.

We are proposing to create a project that directly engages with ideas around
feminism, specifically challenging the idea that we are in a ‘post-feminist’
climate thus rendering such investigations redundant. At a time when ‘post’
pre-empts feminism, feminist artists need to create complex work that
balances political themes and contemporary aesthetics. This project sets
itself apart from previous exhibitions by introducing a new young feminist
perspective to the Melbourne community, one that incorporates varied and
conflicting visual and textual strategies.

The outcome of this project will involve eight artists and eight writers,
and will take the form of an exhibition, and a catalogue/book. Our
exhibition will highlight a broad cross-section of emerging artists working
in a feminist context.

As our project is primarily concerned with emerging artists and writers, to
adhere the Next Wave guidelines we are specifically looking at artists aged
30 and under.”

To express interest in this project please contact Clare or Victoria, by early next week:

3. Found Sound: The Experimental Instrument Project # 3

Together for the first time! Ross Manning in collaboration with Rod Cooper.
Where: Tape Projects 1/81 Bouverie St, Carlton, Melbourne
When: Wednesday March 18 2009, 7:30 - 8:30pm, $5 door

Please join us for the third Found Sound event of 2009 - a collaborative performance by Rod Cooper and Ross Manning on sound sculptures, re-purposed objects and original instruments. All welcome!
Rod Cooper is a Melbourne-based artist who works across the fields of sound, metallurgy, painting and sculpture. Since 1998, he has been transforming traditional instrument designs into new hybrids. Each sculpture features a large range of sounds, incorporating percussion, bowing mechanisms, resonant springs and acoustic noise. Rod has collaborated extensively with musicians and artists such as Ben Harper, Sean Baxter, Anthony Magen and Ros Bandt, has performed at many events including The Make It Up Club Festival, Liquid Architecture, NowNow and UnSound and has also toured his hybrid forms to Ireland, New Zealand, America and the UK.
Ross Manning =--- light, electronics, generating sound, video, Upside down cake, instrument building, colourful noise, dinosaurs, junk assembly, re purposed old technology, sculpture, custom devices, kinetics, film, installation and love. Ross has performed and exhibited his works widely, including at Bus Gallery, Melbourne, IMA Brisbane, Australian Centre for Photography, Liquid Architecture, Brisbane Festival, www.myspace.com/rossfmanning.
Found Sound is curated by Amelia Douglas and Albert Mishriki.
4. Jordana Maisie- The Real Thing, exhibition at TCB, opening Wed 11-03-2009 6-8pm

The Real Thing
March 11-28
Level 1/12, Waratah Place, Melbourne