Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Sex Donuts and Rock & Roll

Hey Everyone, just putting a call out for submissions to my new zine

If you love music, but think music zines are boring, this is the zine
to change your mind!

'Sex. Donuts & Rock n Roll' is a per style zine for music fanatics.

It’s a music zine that’s interested in all aspects, styles, genres and
eras of music. It does not set out to document any one or current
scene, and embraces writing about music in a personal way where the
writer is part of the story and not merely a reporter of it. In zine
terms you might call it a “perzine for music fanatics”.

The debut issue will feature an interview with Kiddie Punk Records and
a host of other articles, features, reviews and music related goodies.
If you love music and love to write, I hope you’ll consider making a
contribution to this zine. Contributors will receive a free copy and a
warm fuzzy feeling from being part of something cool.

What to Submit?

Underrated bands
Life changing records
Stories from back in the day
Guilty pleasures (bands you secretly like but don’t tell anyone
Scene politics
Collector guides
Issues (myspace, venue closures, digital downloads, music industry,

If your piece or idea is music related in any way shape or form it’s
relevant to this zine.
If you're interested in being involved, please contact me at
dgirlmedia AT gmail DOT com. Thanks!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Culturalista Zine

**Please forward through your networks**

Publication opportunity for writers, artists and creators:


After 2 hugely successful issues we are calling out to all creators
for publication in the upcoming issue of Culturalista.

Culturalista is an opportunity for anyone to get their voice heard by
a readership of over 5000 thoughout Australia and be involved in a
zine dedicated to making our place a better world. Submissions can be
photography, poems, stories, community projects or whatever is your
preferred medium.

The theme for the next issue is change and we welcome all creative
responses and interpretations. Change, what does it mean to you, us,
the world....? Express yourself without restraint, get the opportunity
to be published, viewed by thousands and even win prizes for doing it!
Submissions close 6th of June (no word limits, no restrictions)

Culturalista is created by the diverse voices of Australia, publishing
expression through creativity and we want to hear from anyone and

We would like to send a huge thank you to all previous contributors,
we feel extremely privileged to be publishing your creations and
voices for social change.

Previous issues are online at www.culturalista.org.au or contact us
for a free print version (only a few remaining)

Don’t blame the media become the media.

Dustin on 0428385272

Culturalista is completely not for profit and completely for social
change through creative expression

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2009 Entries Close Friday 1 May

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2009
Entries Close Friday 1 May

Writers and publishers are now invited to submit entries to the prestigious 2009 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards. A total of $195,000 will be awarded to established and emerging writers across eleven categories in one of Australia's richest and most diverse writing prizes.

The 2009 guidelines and nomination form is attached to this email.
NB: Adobe Reader is required to view and print this PDF document.

Prizes Offered in 2009
The Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction
The Nettie Palmer Prize for Non-fiction
The CJ Dennis Prize for Poetry
The Louis Esson Prize for Drama
The Prize for Young Adult Fiction
The Alfred Deakin Prize for an Essay Advancing Public Debate
The Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript by an Emerging Victorian Writer*
The Grollo Ruzzene Foundation Prize for Writing about Italians in Australia
The John Curtin Prize for Journalism
The Prize for Best Music Theatre Script
The Prize for Science Writing**

* restricted to Victorian writers
** Eligibility period: 1 May 2007 to 30 April 2009

With the exceptions noted (*), the Awards are open to all Australians with works first published or performed between 1 May 2008 and 30 April 2009.

The closing date for entries is Friday 1 May 2009.

The Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are administered by the State Library of Victoria. Further information about the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards is available from http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/pla
For any enquiries please contact (03) 8664 7277 or pla@slv.vic.gov.au

Other News from the State Library of Victoria
The Independent Type: Books and Writing in Victoria

The Independent Type: Books and Writing in Victoria is a free exhibition that celebrates Victoria’s rich and diverse written culture, highlighting the stories, the voices and the spirit of independence that have made our literature unique.

With this important exhibition the State Library of Victoria celebrates Melbourne’s status as a UNESCO City of Literature. The exhibition traces Victoria’s literary evolution from traditional Indigenous storytelling through colonial classics to the vibrant contemporary writing scene. This thread is interwoven with the grand narrative of Victoria’s history, and of the people and events that made Melbourne marvellous.

The Independent Type exhibition is accompanied by an array of events and activities. The extensive program includes talks, tours, films and workshops, and many of them are free. For information about these events go to http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/exhibitions/kmg/2009/independent-type/events/index.html

24 April–25 October 2009
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street, Melbourne
Open 10am–5pm daily (to 9pm Thursdays)
Free entry

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

City Library Street Press workshop with Bernard Caleo

City Library Street Press workshops continue next Wednesday (22nd April) with the return of the awesome Bernard Caleo of Cardigan comics helping all of us to draw and produce comics in his own unique and ubiquitous way... Bernard's workshop was a massive success last season, so we asked him back!

The workshops are generally practical in nature and run from 6 - 7.45 at the City Library, 253 Flinders Lane. Contact (03)96589500 for more details and to book a space.
The regular alternate Wednesday workshops run at City Library, 253 Flinders Lane in Melbourne's CBD from 6pm until 7.45pm and will be FREE.
Visit www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/libraries or call (03)96589500 for more details and to confirm a space.

Our Facebook page : www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12655958956
Our Blog : www.citylibrarystreetpress.blogspot.com

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

City Library Street Press workshop with Geoff Lemon 8th April

From the Man himself....

"As a writer myself, I can tell them about writing techniques and tricks, or I can focus on how to manage yourself professionally as a writer - that is, how to get you work out there, how to approach publishers and publication opportunities, and so on. I've published poetry, short stories, and articles, so I've encountered a range of different types of publication. And I brought my first book out last year, so that could also be a useful discussion.

I can also tell them about publishing from the other side of the fence, given that I have several years of experience working as a magazine editor and particularly as a poetry editor. This could cover both the mechanics of how to approach editing someone else's work, and the broader stuff of how to manage a publication financially and administratively - so, distribution, advertising, marketing, sales, grants, etc.

Then as a performer I've done a lot of work, including some pretty big venues supporting bands and so on, and I've won various competitions. So I could give advice on how to write for performance, on how to approach performance, and how to prepare for competition. And I've worked for a couple of years as a gig convenor, so again, I could talk about the administrative, promotional, and organisational aspects of running performances."

Visit www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/libraries or call (03)96589500 for more details and to confirm a space.


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Harvest News

Hello harvesters

Hope you've been happy and well these past few months. Yes, apologies for the lengthy lapse in correspondence but the harvest team took some time off over the festive season, and have been paying for it ever since. Work. Life. Balance.?

Even as the awfully acronymed GFC washes over us, we're getting ready for a brand spankin' new issue and our little team has been overwhelmed by both your support and contributions. Thanks for all your great pieces. It's fantastic to read and see your wonderful work.

We're now in the middle of assessing works for issue three and hope to have a new edition ready for you mid-2009.

harvest made the commitment to provide feedback to all those who submit - as long as it was in-line with our guidelines. We believe in providing more than a single line response...so this means, we do take a wee bit more time to get back to you than we'd really like. To those that submitted to issue two and haven't yet heard from us, we're sorry, but we're getting there.

Other bits
If you're in Australia, you may have seen the recent newspaper ads for publishing interns with the APA. If not, read on:
Applications are now open for the following Internship Positions in 2009:
Australian Book Review, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
Black Dog Books, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
Oxford University Press, Melbourne — Editorial Intern, Higher Education Division
Scribe Publications, Melbourne — Editorial Intern
The Text Publishing Company, Melbourne – Publicity / Marketing Intern
Walker Books, Sydney — Book Design Intern
For position descriptions, application deadline dates and application contact details for the six internship positions being offered in 2009 please download this Word document.
For detailed information about the program and FAQ please download this Word document .
Melbourne Writers Festival
Is just around the corner. And they are looking for The Great Australian Text Message (TGATM) or Gr8 Oz Txt Msg. Send them your best TGATM. To kick-start the creative juices, MWF borrowed the Great American Text Messages below from US author, Peter Hyman.

Mo B Dik
Call me.

Advtrs of HckFin
DQMONT but I thnk ant pol-e wnts 2 sivilize u.
Hd fer the Trtories. Tke the rft Jim dsnt wnt it 2day.

Catch 22
Stp the bmbng!
Ysarin says thr is a ctch of sme knd
p.s. wher is my 2baco, Milo ?

Dvl Wers Prda
F U Miranda!

Got the idea? Just think what you can do with My Brilliant Career. It certainly needs TGATM make-over. Or get creative with Picnic at Hanging Rock, The Trout Opera, The Slap, Johnno, The Secret River etc.
The rules
Rule 1 - No more than 100 characters (that includes spaces and punctuation).
Rule 2 - Entries have to be received by 5pm, April 30, 2009.
Rule 3 - Text messages can be sent to 0400 3878 77 or you can email your message to louise@mwf.com.au. Don't forget to include your name and phone number (it is no good if your phone number appears as a private number).
The best messages will get prizes - the real thing, some Great Australian Novels. The winners also will be posted on the MWF website and appear in their May e-bulletin. And they will appear on-site during the festival.

If you have any events you'd like listed, please email us with all the details.
For information on further events and opportunities, check out the competitive spirit and event pages (under cultivate) on our website.
If you'd like to be removed from this list, please email us with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line. We won't harvest you again.

Writing oppurtunity

Hello one and all

So you've just finished writing your short story, you've either 1. filed it away with all your others never to see the light of day, 2. sent it off to NYWF for this years festival(wise) or if your lucky enough you have 3. Given it to your publisher who thinks you and your work is amazing and it gets published right away....

What are the other options you ask?

Well pay attention young squires. If there are any short fiction writers or comic artists who think their work could be adapted into a short film then it's time to get onto this bandwagon. A South Australian company The Cutting Room are looking for short fiction writers to adapt their work for film. The South Australian Short Film Corporation is looking for new work and will fund $50 00 dollars to get the films off the ground.

If you think this is something you might be interested in please email me a couple excerpts of some of your work including a short synopsis of each story you put forward.

I will then pass your details onto The Cutting Room

Please feel free to pass this onto anyone who might be keen.

Call if you have any questions


Amy Ingram

Co Director
National Young Writers Festival

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Outpost AV Collective relaunch

Greetings OUTPOST friends,
the relaunch of OUTPOST at our new awesome venue Bar Open is almost upon us and we're making it a cracker.
Get yourselves down to 317 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy on Wednesday March 25th from 8:30pm - entry is free and beverages are very reasonably priced. For this month's event, we are thrilled to have Jean Poole and Lewis CanCut performing a warm up set for their upcoming TV-inspired ACMI Synaesthesia show.

Jean Poole, aka Sean Healy, is concerned with real time audio visual performance. A founder of Newcastle’s Electrofringe Festival, Jean Poole is regular contributor to the event’s annual program and travels Australia (and Europe) performing at major events and festivals.

Providing the music to Jean Poole’s visuals is Lewis CanCut, aka Lewis Gittus, a young DJ hailing from regional Victoria with a love of vinyl. His current work examines elements of club culture such as appropriation and repetition, bound together by dense layers of stolen sound that threaten at any moment to self implode!
Stalwart of Melbourne downtempo sweetness, Thomas Campbell (aka. Soup from MISO) is also performing a solo slot which will be sure to satisfy like a good meal.

The jams are also absolutely on so be sure to come down and bring your devices for the a/v key party.
As always, new players/projectors are most welcome so tell your friends and.
Bring your gear and have no fear!
See you Wednesday the 25th.
the Outpost Collective
part of the share.global collective
an open A/V laptop jam and performance night
last wednesday of every month @ Bar Open
317 Brunswick Street

Victorian Premier's Literary Awards 2009 call for nominations

Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards 2009
Call for Nominations

Writers and publishers are now invited to submit entries to the prestigious 2009 Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards. A total of $195,000 will be awarded to established and emerging writers across eleven categories in one of Australia's richest and most diverse writing prizes.

The 2009 guidelines and nomination form is attached to this email.
NB: Adobe Reader is required to view and print this PDF document.

Prizes Offered
The Vance Palmer Prize for Fiction
The Nettie Palmer Prize for Non-fiction
The CJ Dennis Prize for Poetry
The Louis Esson Prize for Drama
The Prize for Young Adult Fiction
The Alfred Deakin Prize for an Essay Advancing Public Debate
The Prize for an Unpublished Manuscript by an Emerging Victorian Writer*
The Grollo Ruzzene Foundation Prize for Writing about Italians in Australia
The John Curtin Prize for Journalism
The Prize for Best Music Theatre Script
The Prize for Science Writing*
(for books published between 1 May 2007 and 30 April 2009)

With the exceptions noted (*), the Awards are open to all Australians with works first published or performed between 1 May 2008 and 30 April 2009.

The Awards shortlist will be announced on Friday 7 August 2009 with the winners to be announced at a celebratory dinner at Federation Square on Tuesday 1 September 2009.

The closing date for entries is Friday 1 May 2009.

The Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards are administered by the State Library of Victoria.

Further information about the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards is available from

For any enquiries please contact (03) 8664 7277 or pla@slv.vic.gov.au

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

City Library Street Press workshop 25th March

City Library Street Press is back after a short Summer break with a new program of free workshops and a submissions call out for an exciting magazine project.

On the 25th March we have Al Cossar from The Portable Film Festival discussing their 'Film Festival in your pocket', taking video to the street and how video can be used to spread a message. Alongside Al is Jeremy Weinstein who will be discussing his 'Docummunity' project, an open source film project allowing documentary makers to call on and contribute to a pool of video clips.

Monday, March 9, 2009

This is not Art Festival cal for entries open


SYN Murial Competiiton



SYN is seeking young artists to submit their ideas to make our radio studios come to life!

Youth community media organisation SYN Media just turned 6 years old. We’re producing youth radio 24/7 as well as two TV programs and heaps of online content and, though we might not like to admit it, our physical spaces are looking a little rough around the edges.

It’s time for a facelift!

We’re opening the hefty task of livening up the SYN studios to our audience and members by asking them to design a mural for our radio studio wall.

Artists between the ages of 12 and 25 are encouraged to submit designs for the wall of SYN’s radio studios in Melbourne.

The competition is open from 9am February 15th to 6pm March 15th and designs will be shortlisted and then voted on by the people that count – SYN broadcasters.

All paints and supplies will be provided for the execution of the mural and the chosen designer will receive a $150 Obese Records gift voucher to spend on new paints or new tunes.

For competition regulations and the info about the dimensions of the studio wall, artists should email info@syn.org.au

For more information or promotional images, contact:

Emma Sharp
Assistant Manager
p: 03 9925 4778
e: info@syn.org.au

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Tape Projects Newsletter Thursday 05-03-2009

1.OOMONG- Zoe Scoglio and Lee Anantawat, Tape @ Frame
2.Call for expressions of interest in Next Wave Project 2010
3.Found Sound: The Experimental Instrument Project # 3
4.Jordana Maisie- The Real Thing, exhibition at TCB, opening Wed 11-03-2009

1. OOMONG- Zoe Scoglio and Lee Anantawat, Tape @ Frame, Opening tomorrow, Friday 06-03-09, Platform- Campbell Arcade, Degrave St Subway

Building Tunnels and Pondering Infinity
A collaborative experiment made in the dark recesses of Cambells Arcade
Exhibiting throughout the month of March.
Opening this Friday 6th of March, 6-8 pm

From January until July, Tape Projects are occupying Frame, a window in the Platform art space suited perfectly to the kind of noisy, flickery work we do. Set back from the main corridor of windows, in the dark, quiet nook next to the Degrave Street stairs, Frame is a platform on which to experiment with new ideas and showcase the work of a myriad of temporal artists from Melbourne and beyond.

2. Call for expressions of interest in Next Wave Project 2010

From Clare Rae:
“Along with Victoria Bennett, I'm currently organising a project for the 2010
Next Wave Festival, to take place in Melbourne in May, 2010.

We are proposing to create a project that directly engages with ideas around
feminism, specifically challenging the idea that we are in a ‘post-feminist’
climate thus rendering such investigations redundant. At a time when ‘post’
pre-empts feminism, feminist artists need to create complex work that
balances political themes and contemporary aesthetics. This project sets
itself apart from previous exhibitions by introducing a new young feminist
perspective to the Melbourne community, one that incorporates varied and
conflicting visual and textual strategies.

The outcome of this project will involve eight artists and eight writers,
and will take the form of an exhibition, and a catalogue/book. Our
exhibition will highlight a broad cross-section of emerging artists working
in a feminist context.

As our project is primarily concerned with emerging artists and writers, to
adhere the Next Wave guidelines we are specifically looking at artists aged
30 and under.”

To express interest in this project please contact Clare or Victoria, by early next week:

3. Found Sound: The Experimental Instrument Project # 3

Together for the first time! Ross Manning in collaboration with Rod Cooper.
Where: Tape Projects 1/81 Bouverie St, Carlton, Melbourne
When: Wednesday March 18 2009, 7:30 - 8:30pm, $5 door

Please join us for the third Found Sound event of 2009 - a collaborative performance by Rod Cooper and Ross Manning on sound sculptures, re-purposed objects and original instruments. All welcome!
Rod Cooper is a Melbourne-based artist who works across the fields of sound, metallurgy, painting and sculpture. Since 1998, he has been transforming traditional instrument designs into new hybrids. Each sculpture features a large range of sounds, incorporating percussion, bowing mechanisms, resonant springs and acoustic noise. Rod has collaborated extensively with musicians and artists such as Ben Harper, Sean Baxter, Anthony Magen and Ros Bandt, has performed at many events including The Make It Up Club Festival, Liquid Architecture, NowNow and UnSound and has also toured his hybrid forms to Ireland, New Zealand, America and the UK.
Ross Manning =--- light, electronics, generating sound, video, Upside down cake, instrument building, colourful noise, dinosaurs, junk assembly, re purposed old technology, sculpture, custom devices, kinetics, film, installation and love. Ross has performed and exhibited his works widely, including at Bus Gallery, Melbourne, IMA Brisbane, Australian Centre for Photography, Liquid Architecture, Brisbane Festival, www.myspace.com/rossfmanning.
Found Sound is curated by Amelia Douglas and Albert Mishriki.
4. Jordana Maisie- The Real Thing, exhibition at TCB, opening Wed 11-03-2009 6-8pm

The Real Thing
March 11-28
Level 1/12, Waratah Place, Melbourne

Saturday, February 28, 2009

AV Technician needed for Hitlerhoff

Buzzcuts Adelaide, daily reviews of Adelaide Fringe shows are up and running at http://www.expressmedia.org.au/buzzcuts.php

Have a click. And in related Adelaide Fringe news ...

Young and Restless Productions are seeking an AV technician to work on the provocative theatre show Hitlerhoff, at the 2009 Adelaide Fringe festival. The show opens on Tuesday 10 march (bump-in: 2.30 - 6.30pm), and closes on Sunday 22 March (bump-out 10.30pm - 12.30pm).

Hitlerhoff runs from 9.15pm - 10.25pm; there will be time to see shows before and after this every night. They will fly the person up from Melbourne on Friday 6 March, and return on Monday 23 March.

The AV technician will be required to operate Grid, a Mac program for video and audio clips. This is not rocket science, but they need someone reliable, sharp with cues - and not scared of technology!

Flights and accommodation with be covered for someone coming from Melbourne; for someone based in Adelaide, they can offer a small payment equivalent to this amount (approx $400).

This is a great opportunity to work on a popular and critically-acclaimed show, schmooze around with your Artiste Pass, and make contacts at the world's second-largest Fringe Festival. Snap it up!

Please contact Tom Doig on 0416 497 311 ASAP if you are interested in this opportunity!

And check out our FaceBook page or website for more info about the show.

Broken Pencil Indie Marketplace

Broken Pencil Indie Marketplace
The low cost solution to reaching free thinking DIY culture lovers!
Spots on sale now for only $25 per issue.

Attention artists, musicians, zine creators, writers, publishers, crafties, illustrators and more! From now until March 1st, we're offering an amazing discount on remaining spots in the Indie Marketplace.

The Indie Marketplace is a special advertising feature of Broken Pencil magazine that appears in print and online. IMP is the place for you. Join fellow free thinkers like Get Bent Records, Vehicule Press, and Lickety Split Zine in a special advertising section devoted to those who are actively engaged in the DIY arts scene and want to reach BP's thousands of readers.

The IMP page gives you a low cost space roughly the size of a business card (2.5" x 2.7") to hawk your wares, promote your website or blog, or just simply make yourself known.

The regular fee for an ad in the Indie Marketplace is $40 an issue. If you book an ad by March 1st you can advertise for one full year - four issues of BP - for only $100. That's just $25 an issue! Book your IMP print ad NOW and you will get a free full-colour listing on our IMP webpage!

Check it out at http://www.brokenpencil.com/indiemarketplace/

Don't delay! There are a limited number of spots. Contact us by March 1st to reserve your space before all the spots are gone!

To book your spot, contact:
Tara Gordon Flint

Contacting Us
Founded in 1995 and based in Toronto, Canada, Broken Pencil is a website and a print magazine published three times a year. It is one of the few magazines in the world devoted exclusively to underground culture and the independent arts. We are a great resource and a lively read! A cross between the Utne Reader, an underground Reader's Digest, and the now defunct Factsheet5, Broken Pencil reviews the best zines, books, websites, videos, and artworks from the underground and reprints the best articles from the alternative press. Also, ground breaking interviews, original fiction, and commentary on all aspects of the independent arts. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.

Hey, want to say something about our magazine, let us know about an upcoming event, send in a zine or website or CD for review or maybe do a piece for the mag? Don't be shy! We want to hear from you. Send us an email at editor@brokenpencil.com, or a letter at PO Box 203, Station P, Toronto, On, M5S 2S7 Canada, or call us at 416-204-1700.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Emerging Writers Festival news

Thanks to all who put their hands up for the Panellist callout, as always we were stunned by the amount of interesting writers reading our newsletter, delighted with how many people were keen to be part of EWF 2009 and a little surprised by the amount of people who didn’t read the brief.

From here it’s a giant jigsaw puzzle of who would work well for which panel balancing the demands of each panel with the need to have writers of different styles and forms and genres on each panel. Don’t despair if you haven’t heard from us yet, we will be umming and erring for another month yet and as some of last years panellist call out people found out today, we have long memories.

Three quick notes to finish off with this week.

*/_(The event formerly known as)_/**_ Scrabble_*
Long time Emerging Writers’ Festival fans will know we do a performance event called Scrabble. Last year we did the works of Paul Kelly in a night of radical word based reinterpretations. This year we are…well let’s not give everything away.

Anyway the issue is we are changing the name. Not due to any multinationals telling us to do so but just because it confuses some people who come to the event and are annoyed they can’t see a triple word score anywhere.

What shall we call it? Well…surprisingly for such an innovative festival we are stumped. Thus we turn to you our loyal e-newsletter list.

We are looking for suggestions for the new name for the /(The event formerly known as) /Scrabble. It needs to be snappy, short, maybe linked to the fact we perform lyrics and of course original.

The winning entry gets a double pass to /(The event formerly known as)/ Scrabble on Thursday the 28^th of May at BMW Edge

Competition closes Friday the 20th of February. Email it to director@emergingwritersfestival.org.au with the heading ‘I’ve got a much better idea’

*_Program Booklet_*
Each year for the festival we print a wonderful little A6 booklet which details the whole festival, has wonderfully creative bios and occasionally even a vaguely inspirational message from the me. We see it as the passport to the festival and with this years festival being ten days with over twelve different events its going to be the must have item to plan your festival.

Unfortunately this wonderful tome rarely ends up in the hands of those who want it. We don’t know why but the 3000 or so we print disappear, with people who come to the festival thinking our two page download _is_ the program.

This year we have had enough and have put aside a little money for direct mailing. So if you would like the program mailed to you, arriving the day the ticket sales go online on April the 27^th , please email your name and postal address (with postcode) in the body of your email to info@emergingwritersfestival.org.au . Please title your email Program. (Also don’t reply directly to this e-newsletter. It doesn’t go anywhere useful when you do).

Also we will not be posting internationally.

For those wanting to keep up with us as things happen, come join us on twitter at http://twitter.com/EmergingWriters.

And we are also on Facebook if you really want to go social media crazy http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=534231192&ref=name#/pages/Emerging-Writers-Festival/22221031271?ref=s

David Ryding

Emerging Writers' Festival
Friday 22nd - Sunday 31st May 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Project Next and Left Right think Tank

Hi everyone,
Two new opportunities for young media creators and young thinkers. Read on or go straight to http://www.projectnext.net.au/ or http://www.leftright.org.au/

ABC TV and Zapruder’s other films, the people who brought the Chaser team to TV, and the creative force behind The Gruen Transfer, and ENOUGH ROPE with Andrew Denton, are looking for creative young people who are original thinkers with a view about what’s happening in Australia and the world, to work on Project NEXT.

Project NEXT, is the working title of a new topical 10 x 30min program which will be on your screens later this year - on ABC1, ABC2, the web, mobile phones and on-line.

‘We want to open the door to the next generation of thinkers and performers, to find people who will abandon the usual definitions and who can look at the world in a different way.

We are looking for original communicators, people who know in their hearts that there’s more to the news cycle than we are being fed each week.

It’s not just on-air talent we’re after. This is a great opportunity for a new and talented team, across several disciplines, to build a TV and web program from the ground up.’

Project NEXT is seeking applications from creative people between the ages of 18 and 30 to work as reporters, producers, camera/directors, editors, graphic artists, researchers and web content producers.

Applications to work Project NEXT close at 5pm Monday 16 March 2009.

If you want to apply or find out more information go to: http://www.projectnext.net.au/


Also, Due for public launch in early 2009, Left Right is Australia’s first independent and non-partisan think-tank of young minds. They are currently looking for new part time volunteer staff in Victoria and NSW.


Broken Pencil news

Broken Pencil Newsletter - January 2009
Broken Pencil Magazine Announces the Commencement of the
2nd Annual Indie Writers Deathmatch Short Story Contest

The trash talk, the vitriol, the voting, the viral videos and...oh yeah...the stories!

It's all happening right now as Broken Pencil sets 8 stories against each other, a literary cage match from which only one author will emerge, the bruised battered champion of indie lit!

Last year's Deathmatch drew hundreds of thousands of hits to our Online Arena. Fans from all across the planet voted for their favourite story in the culture's bloodiest fiction contest. This year's battle should prove to be just as violent!

"This is definitely not a contest for sensitive writer types. If you can't handle the thought of your short story being smacked down by online voters, then you'll want to stay well clear of this one. Think Literary Survivor. On an island. Surrounded by a sea of sharks." - Jennifer Moss, The Vancouver Sun, Dec 28, 2008

The Line Up:
Round 1, January 26: "Girlfriend" by Sherwin Tjia vs "There are Two 'i''s is Wii" by Natalie Pendergast
Tija's crossdressing adolescent angst vs. Pendergast's boy-boy incest video game soap opera

Round 2, February 2: "Night Work" by McKinley M. Hellenes vs "All Tarted Up" by Kirsten McKenzie
Hellenes gives us West Coast trailer trash. McKenzine counters with small town Scottish slags.

Round 3, February 9: "Imagine Us With Belly Button Rings" by Kathleen Phillips vs "I Want to Hold Your Hand" by Jessica Grosman
Phillips goes deep into the sad lives of adolescent girls and Grosman's sad adolescent girl stalks the subway in search of a new mom.

Round 4, February 16: "The Invisible Man Takes a Shit" by Jeffrey Gandell vs "Isn't He Fantastic" by Chris Illuminati
Gandell's invisible man has a stomach ache but Illuminati's Mr. Fantastic has bigger, super hero size problems.

Complete bios of authors as well as more information about their stories available upon request.

Also: Follow the battle blow by blog on twitter: http://twitter.com/brokenpencilmag

Contacting Us
Founded in 1995 and based in Toronto, Canada, Broken Pencil is a website and a print magazine published three times a year. It is one of the few magazines in the world devoted exclusively to underground culture and the independent arts. We are a great resource and a lively read! A cross between the Utne Reader, an underground Reader's Digest, and the now defunct Factsheet5, Broken Pencil reviews the best zines, books, websites, videos, and artworks from the underground and reprints the best articles from the alternative press. Also, ground breaking interviews, original fiction, and commentary on all aspects of the independent arts. From the hilarious to the perverse, Broken Pencil challenges conformity and demands attention.

Hey, want to say something about our magazine, let us know about an upcoming event, send in a zine or website or CD for review or maybe do a piece for the mag? Don't be shy! We want to hear from you. Send us an email at editor@brokenpencil.com, or a letter at PO Box 203, Station P, Toronto, On, M5S 2S7 Canada, or call us at 416-204-1700.

Comic Books

Dear comics savvy person,

this email is a pointer to the blog, 'An Island Art'

where the two latest posts concern
1. comics broadcasting
2. 'Target 144': a chance to make some comics yourself.

Please drop by if you have a minute.
Or two.

Bernard Caleo
Cardigan Comics

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Melbourne City Pillars program

This could be something interesting to look into at our next meeting...


I thought the following info might be of interest to the zinester and indie press types who belong to the City Library Street Press group. Pass it on if you think it's interesting...

The City of Melbourne is running a youth initiative called the City Pillar Challenge, aimed at awarding an innovative creative or business venture that will have a positive impact on Melbourne and its visitors.

City pillars are cylindrical, upright structures located on footpath corners around central Melbourne. They are most commonly used as news stands but the high number of pedestrians that pass city pillars every day make them ideal locations for maximum exposure.

The City Pillar Challenge will award innovative creative or business ventures that will have a positive impact on Melbourne and its visitors. Students must submit a detailed business proposal on how to use the space. Whether it's a photographic booth, craft market, information hub or other creative pursuit, the use of the space is limited only by the imagination of entreprenuerial students!

Individiduals or teams of students from the Australian Academy of Design, Australian Catholic University, RMIT University, Victoria University, William Angliss Institute and Melbourne University are eligible to enter. Students must submit an expression of interest by Friday 3 April but will have until late May to develop their detailed proposal. Entries will be judged on originality, creativity, business vitality and environmental sustainability.

For more details, visit the City of Melbourne website at www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/citypillars... or friend us on facebook!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Emerging Writers Festival Internship

Emerging Writers’ Festival 2009
Internship: Associate Producers

The Emerging Writers’ Festival is looking for artists and arts management students to undertake Internships and play a vital role in the management and development of the 2009 Festival

These positions are voluntary and we expect it to fit quite well with the internship project requirements of arts or events management, communications, publishing, editing or writing students.

This Internship is an ideal grounding for developing your career in the sector. Each intern will be exposed to all facets of festival management, including responsibilities covering the administration of the festival, the production of the festival as well as the programming of the festival, and will play a significant role in the success of the Emerging Writers’ Festival.

Position description
Working closely with the Festival Director, Admin and Communications Coordinator and Festival producer you will
– Be responsible for the program development, management and realisation of one selected program within the 2009 Festival.
– Assist in the overall development and management of, including assisting of the running of the program, of the 2009 Melbourne town hall program
– Be responsible for one selected business project within the organisational structure
– Assist with the coordination of Festival Artists
– Attend relevant meetings with EWF board, project partners, publicist etc
– Attend weekly staff meetings
– Contribute to the streamlining of EWF processes, and feed these into ongoing documentation;
– Produce a post-event report.

– This position is voluntary and we expect it to fit quite well with the internship project requirements of arts or events management, communications, publishing, editing or writing students.
– The successful applicant will negotiate a weekly schedule with the Festival Director, which is expected to be a half-day to a day per week. Work will build for the whole team in the month before the Festival with the successful applicant needing to be very available the ten days of the festival.
– Actual days/hours per week are to be negotiated. Some work outside of these hours might be necessary e.g. to attend meetings.
– The intern reports to the EWF Director, David Ryding.
– The position is located within the Next Wave Offices, Office 4, 5 Blackwood St North Melbourne with some work undertaken offsite as required.
– The EWF WorkCover and public liability insurance covers the intern

Selection Criteria
– A passion for new writing, and for the environments which showcase and accommodate it – this position will work best for people who are keen to learn about literary events management, so let us know why this internship would be a great experience for you right now;
– Superb communications skills, both oral and written;
– The ability to respond to direction, and work both independently and as part of a team;
– Ability to commit to a consistent weekly schedule against other work and study commitments, across the entire six-month period, with peak periods in the month before the Festival – please let us know about all your competing time commitments;
– Familiarity with relevant office software such as MS Office, in a Mac OSX environment;
– Desirable: previous experience working on comparable events;
– An interest in EWF’s mission and target audience development groups.

Application process
After the close of applications on Tuesday, January 27th, shortlisting will quickly take place and we expect applicants to be available for interview on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 3rd.

Applicants should be able to start in mid-February 2008.

For further information please David Ryding via director@emergingwritersfestival.org.au

Applications must include a statement addressing the selection criteria, along with your covering letter, CV and referees’ contact details.
Applications must be received by 5:00pm Tuesday, January 27th.

Please apply by email: director@emergingwritersfestival.org.au using subject line Associate Producers

David Ryding

Emerging Writers' Festival
Friday 22nd - Sunday 31st May 2009


Sticky Newsletter

Essential Communications from Sticky Institute spanning the last month and next.
If this is annoying to read, please enjoy the word document attached.


Zine Calendar Dates And Things You Need To Know
New Stuff Instore
Niche for Zine
From our new Canberra Zine Correspondent in Darwin
From our Adelaide Zine Correspondent who didn't really count on being
a Correspondent
From Our Paris Zine Correspondent
False Diary
Zine Reviews
Most Hip Student Population According To Visits To the Institute
What is this email and why am I getting/not getting it




Sticky is good mates with the USA zine distro papertrail and ciara is
doing a call out for any zines you might like to get considered for
overseas mail order distribution. Ciara has her own selection process,
it's not open slather, but you can read up on the sort of stuff she
goes for (mostly personal or political) at
http://www.papertraildistro.com/submit. In her words, "I beg you to
send me zines". And Sticky vouches for Papertrail as a highly reliable


Brunswick Bound Jan 17 – Feb 17
361 Sydney Rd Brunswick
An exhibition of Evil Brothers and zinemakers Tom and Ned, who have
joined forces from opposite ends of the country. Gallery open Mon –
Sat 10-6pm and Sunday 11-5

This week long conspiracy includes
Zine Fair,
SAT 14 February 12pm onwards, Degraves Subway.
The first ever International Literature Conspiracy week will be held
from Mon 9 – Sunday 5 February featuring zine launches at Sticky,
insane creative projects to get involved with, and yes, a kick arse
zine fair SAT 14 FEBRUARY 2009. What better way to celebrate your love
for zines than on valentines day people. So mark this one in your
diaries, and get ready to staple your heart out, because Sticky's zine
fair this year packed the subway out, and it's going to be the same
deal in 09, only bigger. Stay tuned. Book cheap flights now. But avoid
Jetstar (see last month's newsletter).
Book your (free) table with Candace, runawaykite@gmail.com

THE REST OF THE PROGRAM (which will also go up on the website in the
next 48 hours)
International Literature Conspiracy Week
festival program 9th-15th Feb


Target 144
12.00 pm 9th Feb – 12.00 pm 14th Feb at Sticky

Join the conspiracy! At midday Project144 begins, where zinemakers and
comic artists meet at the official Target144 headquarters (Sticky
Institute) to begin a 144 hour odyssey of creation where zines and
comics will be conceived, produced and released at Sticky's Zine Fair
on the sixth day. Target144 creations will be complete with proof of
dates incorporated into the work such as newspaper dates, receipts or
metcards across the critical 144 hours. Works can be made remotely as
well as instore, and everyone is urged to join the conspiracy. The end
results will be launched and sold at the Target144 table at the Zine
Fair on the Saturday.


Zine launch – Sure 6 Project
6pm – 7pm at Sticky

Launch of the Sure 6 Project compiled by Elle 36, inspired by the 90s
zine Sure issue number 6, where zinemakers were asked about their
practice and zine culture. The Sure 6 Project resurrects Kane Sure's
concept and the first issue in this new ongoing project will be

Conspiracy Theory
An International Literature Conspiracy Gig and Zine Evening.
9pm – at The Arthouse, 616 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. $5 at the door
A zine and musical event, this evening will include performances by
Made Austria and heaps of zine readings. There will also be a zine
stall and The Arthouse will be a temporary base for Target144.


Launch of zine Moth Wings with instore performance of Maddie & Jorja
Kelly Forever
6pm – 7pm at Sticky

The launch of 'Moth Wings' zine, an anthology of childhood drawings,
and an in store performance by Maddie & Jorja Kelly Forever. Come and
be a child again and have a draw with textas and crayons and remember
what it was like to be uninhibited and untainted by the complexities
of adult thinking.


Zine Launch – Foxes in the supermarket
6pm – 7pm at Sticky

Aaron, Beck and Jon launch their highly anticipated Coles/Safeway
split zine 'Foxes in the Supermarket'.


The Opinion Society
6pm – 7pm - Sticky

Meeting the last Friday of every month, this is a special festival
edition of the Opinion Society complete with refreshments. Bring your
opinions and discuss zines while in their natural habitat.


Zine Fair and Festival Launch
12pm – 5pm – Degraves St Subway

Launched by Minister of the Arts Lynn Kosky at 2pm, the Zine Fair will
take over the subway underpass with hundreds of local and nationally
produced zines, comics and independent press, as well as featuring
Sticky's inhouse official Valentines Day cupid (complete with bow,
arrow and typewriter) who will take love letter dictations on Sticky
Institute stationary to be instantly issued to your Valentine.

The zine fair will also be launching the efforts of the Target144
initiative, where zinesters and comic artists will release their
creations made in the last 144 hours, and be host to the legendary
'You' zine bag making marathon where the aim is to create as many YOU
bags as possible, to package the zine, in the one afternoon. The bags
will go into circulation containing the following week's zine.
Everyone is welcome to come along and take part. 'You' is a free,
Melbourne anonymous zine issued weekly since 2001

2pm – official launch of zine fair, Sticky's new back wall, and speeches
12-5pm – You bag making marathon


2pm - 3pm Public viewing of the zine collection at the State Library
of Victoria. Free but booking required (stickyshop@gmail.com).
The State Library of Victoria have an incredible zine collection going
back to the 80s within the Rare Printed Collections section. This is a
special opportunity to see the width and breadth of the collection
which is being prepared for cataloguing.


Intellectual Zine Presentation
Friday 23rd January
There will be a presentation conducted by two Australian zine
librarians - Jessie Lymn and John Stevens - that will be run as a part
of the Research Applications in Information and Library Studies
conference (or RAILS5), held at the University of Technology, Sydney.
The talk will focus on their involvement in two prominent zine
collections that they have had respective involvement with: the State
Library of Victoria's Rare Printed Zine collection and the Newcastle
based Octapod collection. For more information, please check out the
conference web-site:


Sunday 1 Feb 1pm – 5pm
At Little Fish, 22 Enmore Rd Newtown
To book a table, email ghostesky @ gmail.com with Fish Market as the
subject. It seems to be gaining momentum. Legendary zinemaker 7U has
given this monthly event his personal endorsement:
"hey little fish is good, they do loads for the local arts community
here in sydney providing an affordable space right on enmore rd in
newtown for artists.the small percentage she does take from artists is
based on whats sold, which i dont think is unreasonable. you should be
more supportive of people who support the zine scene, not put down
what they are doing because they have a minimal charge to provide a
space on one of the most expensive/trendy streets in sydney."

Sydney has its own rizzeria, a new printing collective, somehow linked
to big fag press, with their own site due to be updated.
www.rizzeria.com. Risographs are a cheap alternative to colour
photocopying (or spot colour) for multiple quantity printing (ie for
runs over 50) and remain economic until runs of over 10,000 copies.
Obviously the riso is the stuff of awe for all zinemakers.


Zine Fair
Sat 7 Feb 10am –5pm
ACT Writers Centre
Competing with 'Yeah Write' for the lame-title-for-event stakes, is
the ACT Writers Centre youth festival 'Scribble', happening on Sat 7
Feb 10am –5pm. While sticky are all for zine fairs, this one is
charging zinemakers $10 a table which is just ridiculous. Apparently
people have been making off with the tables in previous years. No
comment. It's at QL2 Foyer, Gorman House Ainslie Ave, Braddon. BYO
your own table and chair and there's no charge. Yes, they are totally
serious: ."Please note there's no fee if you
can bring your own table." Just make sure no-one runs off with it.
Table theft is very high in Canberra, apparently.
Book your real estate via poetry.slams@gmail.com



Dear Foreigners,
Please accept my warmest invites to attend the 2nd annual Format
Festival, our poorly named fledgling DIY festival, which is occuring
from March 1st to 15th in the city of Adelaide. I would particularly
encourage you to come over for the weekend of Friday March 13th to
Sunday March 15th, whereupon we'll be having the Adelaide Zine and DIY
Fair (Saturday 14th), an evening of cycling films entitled 'Bikes
Camera Action (also on the 14th) and the Academy of DIY, which is a
bunch of workshops on everything from gender identity to bike repair
(Sunday 15th).

I understand that Adelaide isn't exactly the world's most appealling
holiday destination, but there'll be a wealth of world famous
zinesters and indie
press types there, including Sticky's own Luke Sinclair, Vignette
Press, Breakdown Press, Arlene Texta Queen and possibly US zine icon
Dave Roche, author of On Subbing.
Ianto Ware
Format Festival



It's hot and tempers are short so here are some tiny snippets of some
of the new stuff.

10 Things To Hate About My Sister
OK speaking of hot, Elena and Allegra are SO HOT RIGHT NOW. This is
one of Elena's. I love it when she talks how much her sister annoys
her with the electric eels, complete with eels in a radioactive tub.
And the torture sequence etc. As for the pricing…well, they're
workin' it.

Amazing, amazing am-a-zing zine about a girl's development and
diagnosis of anorexia and her eventual recovery. This is easily one of
the most engaging personal zines you will come across, and is an
incredible insight into the mentality one develops with an eating
disorder. This is an INCREDIBLE read. You have to read it.

Hoopla Issue 3
This is like an anarcho feminist revolution zine about crafts and
being radical and such like. I'm losing energy at this point but
without reading it, it looks pretty good. It makes cross stiching

A robot dedicated zine. Yes, it seems so obvious but nobody has done
one since Zeke in year 9 from early 00's. Please. Someone. The demand
is there. I know I'd read it.



This month: Darwin: its history, relationship to DIY and present day
Hello, hello. Yes, nice to meet you. While you may have noticed that I
am the Canberra correspondent, truth is I am not in Canberra right
now. I arrived back in the humid and humble hellhole I affectionately
call home about a month ago, which others call 'Darwin'.

Here are the top three most important facts about Darwin to create a
little profile for your greedy craniums:

Home to around 100,000 people, Darwin is small enough for many to know
each other's most personal secrets, but large enough to have one
shopping centre that provides depressing retail therapy and every
highschool kid's social life.

You can count the number of book and record stores in the whole place
on one hand, and there is only one tiny music venue that supports
local, original artists. The rest are cover bands.

Paul Keating once said that the best way to see Darwin was from
overhead as you fly to Europe.

Here's my theory: Darwin's isolation, lack of artistic infrastructure
and misguided hatred from 'Southerners', as they are called, has
created an interesting D.I.Y. culture that permeates many areas of a
Darwinian's life and experience. The truth? There's not much going on
here. So to see anything interesting happen, you kind of have to get
of yo' ass and make it happen.

I think this culture has something to do with Darwin's history, and
its need to keep reinventing itself. My Papou and Yiayia (Greek
Grandpa and Grandma) were first generation Australians, and helped
establish Darwin in its early years. My Papou taught himself English
by reading through the dictionary each night and became a building
contractor, while Yiayia worked in a corner store and set up a home
for her family. They both had to do it for themselves, because no one
else would do it for them. Word is that the town had that overall vibe
at the time, as each family tried to stay afloat. Later, when my mum
was around 16, Darwin and my family had to again reinvent themselves
after Cyclone Tracy hit. While my uncles and aunties were evacuated,
Yiayia and Papou, along with many other locals, decided to stay back
and help rebuild the city. Darwin has always relied on the support of
its people for its creation, reinvention and improvement, and this
culture of involvement and community still remains.

Nowadays, Darwin's most attractive quality to many locals is its
laidback lifestyle, separated by a very fine line from shameless
laziness. It takes a bit of courage and enthusiasm to create what you
think the town is lacking. There are a handful of zinesters, musos,
artists, writers and actors kicking around, who all belong to this
little community of people who love what they do and appreciate each

So the next time you go to spit on the part of the map of our country
that depicts the shameful capital city of my humble Territory, think
twice. While we may be the land of humidity, mosquitoes and
nothing-much-else-ness, think also of the good people who work
tirelessly to stand up to the legions of cover bands, skanky
nightclubs and the majority bogan population to do their bit in the
name of culture. Word.


The following fantastic report on zines making their way across the
land has been kindly provided by zinemaker Simon Gray, just intended
as a personal email, but was so awesome he relented and let us turn it
into a column. Don't stop now Simon!!!

Is a web comic collected in a comic zeen. It's Ninjas vs. Penguins
conspiracy story.
Aaron Humphrey is your contact man, he turned up in the last half hour
of the Pt. Augusta zine fair in time to miss everything. When my
computer buggered up I lost his e-mail but the zeen lists a wweb address:


A mixed bag of everything from Natalie Von Catalie from Da Gong, pal of
Maddy Phelan's. You've probably got this one.


Owen Heitmann normally just prints his web comics but has thrown that in
& has produced this zine which is a mixed bag of stuff he's doing
between projects. It's actually his most personally revealing work. He's
just had a submission for TANGO rejected 'cause it was too pornographic!


Like I need to tell you about Vanessa Berry.


Comic artist Nicola's first short story collection is rather good.


Maddy Phelan's been hanging around Ianto Ware too long & gone and
produced this academic wank about subjectivity & the body. Actually one
of her better efforts, she reports she's putting an end to cutey pie
zines about cats now.


Poet Kerryn Tredrea's collection is a good few years old now , but
there's still copies showing up at zine fairs & it's worth it for the
collection of fonts alone.


You've probably heard of Emma Davidson, but she's pretty slack, so you
might need to kick her arse to get these zines to you. This was her
latest I picked up @ TINA.

PO Box 4 Enmore NSW 2042

Chris Tamm is a street artist extrodinaire & Australia's living answer
to Zippy the Pinhead. He's a hairy fat 30something running a gallery
thing in Sydney & raving to me about the cutey pie girls he meets
through his most successful SPICY PONY series.


I've seen a SPRAK! in Sticky but not sure how up to date you keep w/
Kami McInnes as I've heard him whinge that Polyester is the only place
in Melbourne that'll stock him.

PO Box 278 Edwardstown SA 5039

Stephen Stanley was one of the stars of the Pt. Augusta Zine Fair. Based
in Whyalla, he used to have a strip published in Adelaide's News Ltd
paper THE ADVERTISER back in the 80s. He's apparently got a back shed
full of old professionally & self published comic books.


Paul Byron released a new Bananarama fanzine years after the first, now
covering Belinda Carlisle, Michelle Pfeiffer & Elastica too. Still
really about Paul though.


Another collection of impressive drawing by Helen Nehill.


John Stevens, I understand, is one of Sticky's bright young sycophantic
yes-men. I assume you have this too.




This month: 2009: A Cyberspace Odyssey
The Internet has a lot to answer for.

Despite a surface distance of 16,780 kilometres between Paris and
Melbourne, I am still able to keep in touch with what's happening on
the other side of the globe. Thanks to Facebook, I always know when
Sticky is sleeping, in the same way that Sticky always knows what I'm
making for dinner. Thanks also to Facebook, I was able to catch up
with an old high school friend who now lives in Zurich, making
Moleskine-type notebooks in her spare time. More recently I met up
with Maddy, a zinester from Wollongong, while she was in town over the
Christmas holidays. We spent the day eating Tibetan food, walking
around Paris and going to the Rodin museum. Maddy left for a 14 hour
bus ride to Berlin that night and I suggested that she meet up with my
friend Emily, a zinester from Melbourne who now lives in Berlin.
Perhaps all of this could have happened without the Internet, but much
more coordination and planning would have been required.

The Internet is not always useful, however. I'd been meaning to visit
an artist squat in Paris which I'd heard about through the grapevine.
Short on time, I relied on Google to find out where it was. Despite
the website not being updated since 2003, I remained positive.
Apparently the squat was open to the public every day except Mondays,
from 1pm to 7pm. Sadly, when we got to 59 rue de Rivoli a few days
ago, all we found was an abandoned squat – much more disappointing
than an abandoned building which could be turned into a squat.

One of my Facebook friends uploaded photos of his favourite zine front
covers. Oddly, I was thankful that none of my zines were among the
list. Every now and then there are discussions about digitising zines
– but to do so would to lose its meaning. I love reading back on my
old zines because it reminds me of who I was at a particular time in
my life, and how much I've changed (or haven't changed) since that
zine was made. There is an honesty in these early zines, an intimacy
between myself and the 50 other people who managed to get a copy. Many
things shared in the zines are things that I would not tell an online
audience, where strangers from all over the world could find and read
it without its original context. Rather than trying to get as many web
hits as possible or having an eternal presence on the World Wide Web,
I want my personal zines to remain ephemeral. Perhaps the same could
be said about squats.

My New Year's Resolutions for this Sticky column: to find an artist
squat; to visit the anarchist bookstore; to learn more about the
bookstore Shakespeare & Co; to continue writing.

Happy 2009 from Paris!


FALSE DIARY - A ZINE COLUMN By Luke You [Special Extended Edition]
Column #10 – The Ten Commandments of The Zine Stall

I've done a few zine stalls in my time. Some stalls were completely
awesome with hundreds of hungry zine fans climbing over each other to
get their hands on zine goodness (TINA, The Festival Of The
Photocopier, The Adelaide Zine Fair) and some so gut wrenchingly awful
my hands are beginning to shake just writing about them here
(libraries in the middle of nowhere in far far Western Victoria with
only two ten year olds in attendance). After earning my stripes
through years and years of gruelling zine stall action I want to share
with you the following list. It is a list of how to create the most
kick-ass zine stall in the history of zine stalls for you and for the
kids who want to pick up some zine action. Some of the things I
mention may seem so obvious that it is almost embarrassing to write
them down. Things like "table". But trust me, in the world of zine
stalls nothing is always as it seems. Here are my Ten Commandments of
The Zine Stall:

1. You will need zines. I recommend taking more zines rather than
less, more as in different zines. The bigger your stall is the more
you will blow peoples minds when they stumble across the stall and the
more zines you have the more likely it is that you will have a zine
that someone is interested in.

2. Take change, lots of change. You will need many one dollar coins,
two dollar coins and five dollar notes. Incredibly, even zine world
legends who should know better will try to buy a $1 zine from your
stall with a $50 note.

3. Light. You will need light so that people can see your zine stall
and people can see your zines. I once agreed to do a zine stall at an
all day metal festival at The Espy and I arrived to find the room in
complete darkness. This may be good to enjoy your garden type Manowar
knock-off, but is a big no no for a zine stall.

4. Table. You will need a table to put the zines on. If you put them
on the floor they will get dirty and people will stand on them. YOU
NEED A TABLE TO HAVE A ZINE STALL. And whats more it should be a big
table. One of those big trestle tables is what you are looking for
here. At the previously mentioned metal gig in complete blackness the
organiser of the gig offered me a table approximately the size of a
dinner plate to display my 300+ zines on. This was not good.

5. Suitcase. You will need to transport your zines to the location of
the stall safely for both your back and the condition of the zines.
You will need a suitcase on wheels. If you pack your case in a shonky
manner the zines will get bent and people will not want your zines.
My current rig is a big-ass second hand black suitcase on wheels that
set me back $20 from Savers but which has paid for itself twenty times
over. I pack the zines in large plastic envelopes inside the suitcase
and fill the rest of the case with towels. You don't want those
babies moving around. Even I have been criticised for the condition
of my zines at zine stalls. Connoisseurs of zine culture such as
"Metal Ash" will rip you to shreds at TINA if you dare to show up with
creased zines.

6. Another person. Try to organise for there to be two people on the
stall so if you need to get food, go to the toilet or get a drink you
don't leave your stall unattended and have all your money stolen by
filthy hippies. Another idea is to line up someone to drop by the
stall just for half an hour at some point during the stall to give you
a break. To go back to a point I made a couple of sentences ago. DO

7. Signage. You want to let people know who you are and where you are
from without them having to ask. My usual technique is to bring along
a fat permanent marker and find a cardboard box out the back of the
venue and write the distro name on the card and pin it to the front of
the table. This also gives you and your stall a look of distinguished
DIY cred.

8. Stay until the end. If you have agreed to do a stall at an event
it is only polite to stay until the end of the event. Once you start
to pack up your stall it kind of signals to the fans that the night is
winding down. I actually set up a stall at the all day metal fest of
complete darkness but broke rule #8 by packing up after just two hour
of power. However, the room was so dark that no one knew either that
I was there or that I had packed up early.

9. Publicise. Let the kids know that you will be there. This means
zine fans might actually come and gets the word out there that you
have the indie cred.

10. Stock. Taylor your stall to the event. If you are running a
stall at an all day metal fest make sure the 'Westside Angst/You'
split zine with Lemmy from Motorhead on the cover is front and centre.

So there you have it zine fans. Now go forth and create zine stalls
wherever you may be. And if everything falls apart and all of your
money and zines are stolen by filthy hippies pick up a pen and write a
zine about it. That would be one awesome zine.



Welcome to Red Ink's review column. If you think she's out of control,
email us to set her straight. And if you'd like to have a rival zine
review column for us to publish in this section, bring it on! We live
in a pluralist society! We can have multiple review sections!


P.O Box 132, Bentley WA 6982

Fergus is an amazing little zine. So much care has clearly been taken
in its creation with it's fabric covered cover and stuck-in stickers
and pieces of paper and yet it's only one dollar. In this issue,
Fergus contains two sections, the first being an alphabetical
description or Fergus's suburb, East Victoria Park. She takes us
through the area starting with her pathological feeling of Attachment
to her suburb, her opinions of her local Elected representatives that
run tuna drives at Christmas time and the Zebra crossing outside the
cheesecake shop. The second section, called The Peonies, is 13 bits of
Fergus's life, like #8 Diaries and #11 Saturday Night.
Fergus is really well written, it's never too saccharine with it's
homey descriptions of East Victoria Park and Fergus writes with just
the right amount of cynical humour. It's just such a lovely zine to
hold and to own because it's handmade and perfectly pocket sized. It
provides that element of zines which make them so wonderful.

Little Sticks

Little Sticks is an unassumingly written zine about someone in an
in-between moment who is craving a holiday. Type written on 15
separate cards and bound together with a single rubber band, the style
of writing just slowly draws you in and you're a little disappointed
that there isn't more when you finish reading. The descriptions of the
movements of the writer 'from bed to couch to kitchen to video shop…'
accompanied by a list of songs playing and books being read at the
time makes the zine feel familiar and the slight smudges and typos
which haven't been corrected add to the innocence of the tone.
This zine clearly requires time and effort to construct and it's
amazingly reasonably priced at only $1. What makes this a good zine is
that it isn't anything but this small vignette of what the author was
thinking and feeling at the time of creation and it's really lovely to
have that presented in such an unpretentious manner.

Anyone Can Be…A Warrior Princess

It amazes me that a zine workshop group, purporting to be made up of
creative people who meet up and talk zines, and that also receives
financial support and venue from the City library can put out such an
awful zine. You'd think that if they knew anything about zine culture,
they wouldn't let this poorly put together and overpriced zine out on
the shelves. It seems that this zine was made by only a couple of
people since it lacks serious content, with the exception of the
article on the Camberwell Market which is well written and is really
too good to be in this zine. The rest of the zine consists of a
hand-drawn warrior princess captioned by various tag-lines, cut and
paste photocopied pictures of warrior princesses with other people's
heads on them and a poorly photocopied collage of craft.
When so many good zines are being put out by individuals who have to
compile them on hallway floors, who don't receive funding and who sell
them for ridiculously low prices, it's seems wrong for a group that is
so supported to be putting out this poorly crafted zine. What's worse
is that they're charging $2.50 for it, when clearly it is worth much
less than this.

NB Avid readers will remember 'Anyone Can…' was named the Worst Zine
Title of 2008 by Sticky in October's newsletter.

Stickmen #9

Finally Stickmen #9 has been released. The scratchily drawn comic ,
depicting the adventures of Stickmen and his ninja foes is so
endearing, it's impossible not to like it. It's completely hand drawn
and the photocopying has improved through the previous issues to award
this one with the least amount of photocopy cut-offs. Standout
sections of this issue are the implosion of Stickman, the analysis of
'Mr. Sandman' by Pat Benattar and the author's reaction to his VCE
This comic proves that you don't need to produce something incredibly
polished and well planned out to make an impact and it really is a
creation which defines the genre of zine.

Nicola Hardy is Updating Her Status and Dreaming About Car Accidents

I'll just say this now that I'm not a huge fan of short story zines so
I needed this zine to do something impressive to make me like it. And
it kind of got there, maybe. Hardy is usually a comic artist, but in
this publication she creates stories which may or may not be
fictional. There are good pieces, like Night Drive and Discoveries and
not-so-good pieces, such as Hyena. The story section of this zine is
okay, with the inclusion of a playlist (awesome) but does include one
crucial error. A blog post. Never include a blog post in a zine.
The other thing that could be improved in this zine is the
presentation. For a comic artist to produce such an unappealing zine
is surprising. It is typed in various Word fonts with a blocky black
and white presentation which makes it seem sterile and looks really
boring. For this zine to be considered much better, it would benefit
from a less clinical outlay and a more welcoming and personal

Contact: redinksection@gmail.com or you can send your zines to be
reviewed to: Red Ink P.O. Box 41 Flinders Lane Melbourne VIC 8009

To send in your own reviews and get a rival review section up and
going here, email stickyshop@gmail.com. Pluralist society, people!



Nobody wants anything, nobody has lost anything, the world is
complete. Just don't watch the nightly news.



We were going to wait till International Literature Week to make this
incredible announcement but by then, who cares? New school year etc.

Really this should have been done in December. So… drumroll…MacRob
have won by a LONG SHOT. Yes, it is official, Mac Rob girls' school
has the coolest student population in Melbourne.

MacRob will get a lovely letter written to their principle from Sticky
Institute saying how wonderful and well behaved their students are in
public in the new year, and *the first five students to rock up to
sticky and display their macrob student card will get their own
zinepacks (by post) and membership to the institute. Oh it pays to be
cool. And here is the final tally from 2008:

Warrandite High…4
Melbourne High…8.
Melbourne Girls College…3
King David School…4
St Michael's Grammar…1
Star of the Sea…1
Buckley Park…1
University High…from 8 to 10 to 11
Mullauna College…4
Princess Hill…from 3 to 9 to 10
Caulfield Grammar…3
Emmaus College…3
Brighton Secondary College…2
Mordiallac Secondary College…2
Eltham College…5
Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School…1
Collingwood College…12
Sydney Rd Community School…1
Austin Hospital School…3
Little Yarra Steiner School…1
Firbank Grammer…5
Academy of Mary Immaculate…6
Trinity Grammar…1


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blog Awards

Encouraging you to all vote for The Dawn Chorus in this :


Cate (my wife) writes for them and it's an ace Feminist blog :-)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Next meetings and Sketchcrawl

Hello everyone!

Hope you all had good holidays and all that :-)

We're commencing meetings again next week and then every fortnight, the first few meetings will be to plan the next series of workshops and discuss our big plans for anyone can issue 3, both of which have been progressing along nicely in our absence of meetings...

So hopt to see you all at the City Library next Wednesday 14th January...

It's also the latest Melbourne Sketchcrawl this Saturday, the locations are yet to be decided, but keep an eye on :
